Evanger's Dog Food
Founded on the belief that a dog's health and the health of their offspring are dependent on wholesome, nutritious dog food without any additives or preservatives, Evanger's has been in the dog food business for over 70 years. Fred Evanger, the founder of Evanger's raised champion Great Danes. He built his dog food canning factory at his kennels. Evanger's dedication to canine health lives on with the company's desire to make innovative new dog foods made with natural product and no preservatives or salt added.
If you dig around on the Evanger's Dog Food Website you will find the history of this company and several fascinating press releases. One press release speaks of Evanger's donating meals to puppies rescued from a puppy mill. Another chronicles the Evanger's company from 1935 to present and the way it has adjusted with the times and changed hands. There is even an article in there about how Evanger's produces some kosher foods for dogs. All the articles are fascinating, and all of them are inspiring as well.