Monday, January 24, 2011


Dog Training Leads and More

West Coast Pet Supply currently stocks several different sizes of dog training leads. Shorter training leads are great for teaching your dog to stay in a specific spot and stepping away from him. Also, with a training lead you can walk all the way around your dog at a distance and have him hold his position. When the “stay” command is mastered, the dog can then be called forward in short distances.

10 ft. training lead             15 ft. training lead               20 ft. training lead                50 ft. training lead

Another item that should be incorporated with training leads is some sort of regular treat. When a dog accomplishes the task that you have set before him, a positive reinforcement outside of your gushing praise works even better with something tangible. We stock several treats for this kind of occasion. Gimborn Freeze Dried Liver Training Treats are a regular standby. They are made of 100% liver with nothing else. Dogs love them.

Also, if you choose to work with the 50 foot training lead, you will need some items for activities at a distance. The Chuck It Ball Tosser is a great product with a ball claw that keeps your hands dry and allows you to throw the ball farther and faster. The Chuck It comes with one ball and extra fetching balls in packs of four can be purchased. Another item that can be used with the 50 foot lead is the training whistle. Teach your dog to come with this whistle, and the lead is a wonderful way to ensure this. The 50 foot lead is the last step before your dog has earned the right to go leashless, make it worth his while!

Chuck It Ball Tosser                      Chuck It Spare Balls                  Acme Dog Whistle Thunderer

Training your dog with a training lead is a great way to interact with your dog and teach him all sorts of proper etiquette. It is also a wonderful way to play with your dog and train him to come back to you from longer distances. We have all of the products here at West Coast Pet Supply to make the training of your dog that much easier and that much more rewarding.

Click here to see the rest of our Dog Training Supplies