Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Great Dog Co.'s Antler Chews


In 1991 Great Dog Co.'s first product was Michael's Great Dog Biscuit Mix. The idea was a wholesome one, with an organic product that you would bake at home. The product failed, but Great Dog Co. has kept the original standards that they started out with. One of those standards is evident in the fact that Great Dog Co. manufactures in a human grade facility. Their chews and treats are made for dogs, but prepared as if they were being made for humans. Furthermore, Great Dog Co. doesn't use soaks, colorants, washes, nitrates, BHA, BHTs, or sorbates.

Great Dog Co's Antler chews are a sturdy dog chew that last for an incredibly long time, sometimes as long as six months! Sold as “natural, mineral rich and renewable” Great Dog Co.'s Antler Chews will not splinter.Not only that, they are teeth whitening, all natural, and tougher than just about any other chew that you could give your dog. If you have been shelling out money regularly for dog chews that get destroyed immediately, or neglected, perhaps one of Great Dog Co.'s antler chews are for you and your pet.

Elk and Deer shed their antlers every year. It is interesting to know that antlers are actual bone, and not some other sort of material. Deer shed their antlers in December and elk shed theirs in the springtime. The animals re-grow their antlers again every year. A strong “rack” on one of these creatures is a sign of a healthy, calcium-rich diet. A full antler rack grows rapidly on a deer or elk in just three to four months. It is said that the rate at which deer and elk antlers are renewed makes them the the fastest growing formation in the animal kingdom. Similarly, it is said that the detachment and eventual shedding of the antlers is the fastest deterioration. Obviously, the antlers are a determining factor in whether the animal will have a chance during mating season in the autumn.

Great Dog Co.'s Antler Chews come in three heavy sizes. There is the Medium, which will slow down a chew toy destroying dog that's 15-45 lbs. The next step up is the Jumbo which is for dogs that are over 45 lbs, and then there is the Monster size, which is for dogs over 65 lbs. These are great new products now available at our online store here at WEST COAST PET SUPPLY.

Medium Antler Chew

Jumbo Antler Chew

Monster Antler Chew

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