Thursday, February 24, 2011

HomeoPet Products

HomeoPet Products

The idea of homeopathic treatment is to treat ailments or diseases with natural substances, versus heavy medications and drug use. This is different from the original homeopathy idea formed in 1796 by a German doctor who theorized that ingesting small amounts of that which caused ailments might actually kickstart the body's immune system in such a way that healing results could be seen. Homeopathy is an alternative that has also been adopted for household pets, with HomeoPet being the leading contributor to this type of treatment.

HomeoPet is a company that makes a line of exclusively homeopathic remedies for pet ailments. HomeoPet's products are natural, and a cursory perusal of their website will show you the precise ingredients that are used and why the ingredients are in the product. HomeoPet offers several different homeopathic treatments to such issues as anxiety, joint stress, digestive problems, incontinence, hot spots, and bug bites. HomeoPet also has a wide range of skin and first aid ointments to keep your pet comfortable during times of injury or allergic reactions. With an extensive symptom checking page on their website, Homeopet will point a pet owner in the direction that they need to go in to find relief for their animal. The only thing that Homeopet asks is that pet owners have their animals checked by a veterinarian before administering Homeopet products in order to be sure that the diagnosis for the ailment is correct.

Homeopet's products were established for public sales in 1994, but the concept behind the company is several years older. In 1987 HomeoPet products were first introduced to clinics. However, the remedies had been under development since 1977. And now, HomeoPet products are registered with the FDA and are manufactured under an FDA registration process, inspected by the FDA, and they meet all of the good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards.

West Coast Pet Supply offers a full range of HomeoPet Products. All HomeoPet products come in 15 ml bottles and there is nothing in any of the HomeoPet products that will register positive in show dog testing.