Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Puppy Flea and Tick Control

One of your first worries with a new puppy should be flea control.  Fleas are troublesome to puppies because they maneuver through fur easily and cause irritation with their blood-sucking bites. The way fleas live on your puppy's skin and in his fur increases the chances of your puppy actually eating them. The problem with this is that fleas are a tapeworm delivery system, potentially hatching tapeworm eggs in your puppy's stomach if ingested.  Then there is the potential of an allergy to flea bites which could worsen the situation.  The flea is a determined pest.  Female fleas suck fifteen times their body weight in blood daily. Furthermore, fleas are aggressive egg-layers. In a month, ten female fleas can lay close to a hundred thousand eggs on and around your dog!

Ticks on the other hand, are blood sucking arachnids (eight-legged and related to spiders). The most obvious issue with a tick bite is the transmission of Lyme Disease. In 2005 it was estimated that there would be 40,000 new canine Lyme Disease cases by 2012. With Lyme Disease it takes a latched-on tick 48 hours to actually infect your dog.  If you are vigilant in your grooming you and your puppy won't have to worry about Lyme Disease. But still, why should your puppy suffer through a tick bite in the first place? Another disease that ticks carry that puppy owners should worry about is Rocky Mountain spotted fever. If a dog contracts Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, there are all sorts of things that can go wrong with your dog's health, including kidney failure. (See ANTI-TICK WARFARE Pt. 2 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER)

Interestingly enough, both fleas and ticks do most of their "hopping on" while your puppy is outside.  A puppy owner can be diligent and keep an eye out for grassy areas and fields where a puppy might catch a tick, but stay closely in tune with your puppy's fur.  Your battle however, is not a new one.  There are many different products available to help you keep these pests at bay. 

Zodiac makes the FleaTrol collar specifically for puppies over twelve weeks old.  Zodiac has been in the anti-flea and tick business, protecting dogs, cats and puppies for over 35 years. The Zodiac FleaTrol Flea and Tick Collar works in as little as 24 hours. It is also a product meant for puppies over 12 weeks old. The FleaTrol Flea and Tick Collar remains effective for up to five months. It still works after swimming or a bath and buckles easily around your puppy's neck.

Zodiac also makes Spot On Flea and Tick Control for puppies, toys and miniatures under fifteen lbs. Zodiac Spot On is applied between the shoulder blades of your puppy and is water resistant. This means that your puppy can be bathed and play in the sprinklers without worry of the product washing off. Zodiac Spot On comes in a four month supply per package. It is the perfect product for a summer with a puppy that is over six months old.  If you choose to use Zodiac Spot On, not only will fleas and ticks be repelled, but your puppy will also be protected from mosquitoes. The most dangerous aspect of a mosquito bite on your puppy is the potential transfer of the heartworm. Wheras heartworm used to be limited to humid areas, like the American south, heartworm infection via mosquito is now possible just abut anywhere in the world. Spot On, if used properly, makes your puppy “untasty” and therefore unbitten. With over 2,000 different species of fleas, 800 species of ticks and over 160 species of mosquitoes in the United States alone, it is a wise choice to protect your puppy from these pests.

Click the following links to learn more about these and other products.