Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Puppy Housebreaking Pads

When training your puppy where to go to the bathroom, the results aren't always immediate. Accidents will happen, but ultimately, the master plan is to train your puppy to wait and go outside.  When your puppy has an accident, place him immediately on the housebreaking pad.  The general process is to train your dog to get closer and closer to the door for bathroom time and then outside.

Soon the pad can  be moved into the yard where you would like him to go. Little Stinker Housebreaking Pads are the perfect tool for this kind of progression. Over the course of several days, you will have housebroken your pet. Teaching your puppy where to go to relieve himself can be an arduous task, Little Stinker Housebreaking Pads make it a lot easier.

Housebreaking is something that should be done over several days and should be done with the puppy's owner seriously involved in the process. A very common method of housebreaking comes with crate training. The puppy stays in the crate for a period of time, and then is encouraged to use the bathroom when released. If your puppy makes a mess away from the pad, immediately pick him up and place him on the pad.

Accidents will happen and this is a part of owning a puppy. Whats more, relapses are also a part of having a puppy as well. Puppy pads can be kept around as a reminder for a dog that has had a relapse.

Little Stinker Housebreaking Pads are specially scented to inspire and encourage your puppy to go on the pad. Not only that but the pad also contains anti-bacterial and odor eliminators. The super absorbent polymer turns the liquid into gel and absorbs over 100 times its volume. In other words, it soaks it up like a disposable diaper. Little Stinker Housebreaking Pads are also leak-proof with their plastic lining. If you can encourage your puppy to use the pad wherever you place the pad down, the mess will be completely contained.

Housebreaking a puppy can be difficult.  With Little Stinker Housebreaking Pads, the job can be that much easier and complete that much sooner.