Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Teething Puppies

Imagine 42 fresh teeth growing into your gums at once.  They are breaking through, and pushing your baby teeth out.  Your mouth is going to be irritated and you are going to want to chew on something...anything!  This is exactly what puppies go through.  Puppies will chew on anything and everything in order to alleviate the irritation as they break in their adult teeth. Their gums are itching and aching as these new teeth come in. With your dog's new jaw developments come all sorts of potential damage. Shoes, chair legs and cell phones can all fall victim to this new onslaught of young adult canine choppers. While shoes and cell phones can be put away, it isn't that easy to hide that sofa, chair, or table leg.

A popular solution for this age-old problem is Grannick's Bitter Apple Taste Deterrent For Dogs. Grannick's comes in either a spray or dabber bottle and discourages the biting process. Wheras other taste deterrent products eventually grow on the puppy and become a flavor that the dog likes, Grannick's maintains a taste that dogs aren't in favor of.  Find the forbidden place that your puppy is gnawing, and apply some Grannick's for a quick solution.  This is an old taste deterrnet that has been successful for decades.

In 1960, a pharmacist named Irv Grannick experimented with many different bitter flavorings to come up with the right concoction that would dissuade a dog from licking or chewing on any given surface. The product worked. Grannick's Bitter Apple soon became a respected product and has earned the respect of pet owners throughout the world. Grannick's is also a member of the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association and the World Wide Pet Industry Association.

Breaking in 42 adult teeth at once is going to be uncomfortable no matter what you do for your dog.  Give him a chew toy, and keep him away from your furniture legs with Grannick's.

Find our selection of GRANNICK'S BITTER APPLE products taste deterrents here