Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Puppy Shampoo

Puppies, being as curious and fun as they are, will no doubt get filthy. When they do, they will need a bath and probably a shampoo.  When bathing your puppy, remember that he is going to want to shake himself dry. Also remember that a very small puppy isn't going to be generating very much body heat. Dry him off quickly! 

Probably one of the biggest questions that this entire post brings up is, "how often should I wash my puppy?"  This is a good question.  A lot of it depends on the dog.  A dog with naturally drier skin probably doesn't need to be bathed as often as a dog with normal skin.  If your dog is spending a lot of time outdoors, it is a good thing to consider a regular (weekly) bathing schedule.  If your dog is a lot more of an inside dog, perhaps going longer between baths is something to consider.  If your dog sleeps on your bed, maybe more often.  If your dog has access to the furniture (that you sit on) perhaps bathing more often is something that you should consider as well.  However, if your dog is going to be primarily an outside dog, bathing may not be so much of an issue, because he is outside.  Also, if your dog takes walks in dog parks and at local playgrounds, it might be a good idea to bathe him more regularly.  Diseases can be carried in and fester within your house.  An example of this is the extremely hearty parvo virus, which can survive just about anywhere for long periods of time. 

Dog bathing is something that can happen in the bathtub, and if your pup is small enough, maybe even the kitchen sink. If you use the bathroom, keep the door closed and other doors closed throughout the house in case your dog breaks the first barrier!  He is a puppy, and he doesn't know any better than to run through the house if he gets past you.  This is what brings about the classic “hosing in the front yard” method of bathing a dog on a hot day.  Some dogs like extremely cold water, but it is good to still monitor the temperature of the water coming out of the hose.  However, there will be colder days when you will have to bathe him inside.

AvoDerm makes an extra-mild shampoo for puppies that won't irritate their skin. Puppy's need to have their fur treated carefully. This shampoo creates a wonderful shine for your puppy's coat. 

AvoDerm Puppy Shampoo is tearless, extra gentle and hypoallergenic. Featuring aloe vera, avocado oil and a subtle fragrance, AvoDerm Puppy Shampoo will leave your puppy fresh and clean. Avacados are a great source of essential nutrients for your puppy's skin and coat health.  AvoDerm Natural Puppy Shampoo is recommended for breeds that are prone to skin problems which includes dry, itchy skin, dermatitis, moist eczema, scaling or loss of hair. AvoDerm Natural helps renew the oils your pet's coat needs to stay shiny and healthy year round.